Installing and Configuring
In this lesson we install and configure the Sticky Notes bundle. We check to make sure that our system is setup correctly to allow StickyNotes to run. Then we review the install and components. We review settings to control how the bundle works, and its default settings. Finally we cover enabling sticky notes either on all records or on a one-by-one record type basis, and why you would choose each option.
Let’s go ahead, and get started, installing the StickyNotes bundle. Before we do this though, we should check to see that we have a few prerequisites met, so this will succeed. The prerequisites we must have set, are for scripting and custom records. Let’s go to Setup, then Company, and click Enable Features. Under the SuiteCloud tab, we need to make sure that there is a check mark next to, Custom Records, here. Custom records are where most of the StickyNotes data is kept. Scrolling down a little, we also need to make sure that there are check marks next to both, Client SuiteScript, and Server SuiteScript. Since we have all three of these features enabled, we are all good to go.
To perform the install, let’s go to Customization, then SuiteBundler, and click Search & Install Bundles. Earlier, in chapter two of this course, we went through all the details of installing a bundle. We’ll go through this install pretty quickly, but if you want more detailed information about the process, go back and re-watch those videos. If we type in StickyNotes, all one word, and press enter, after a moment, we get this bundle. If you’re following along, you’ll want to make sure that the bundle ID is 49018, the same as what’s here. Click StickyNotes, and we can start the process. For every install, you should make sure to check out the information provided up here, in the header, and in the overview. You should also take a thorough look at what components will be installed with the bundle. We can scroll down and see everything. Let’s go back to the top, and click Install to keep going. I’ll also click OK to this popup, because yes, NetSuite, I do want to proceed.
NetSuite does present us with one last screen, where we can review the information about what will be installed with this Bundle. I encourage you to really understand what you are connecting to your NetSuite instance, and you can refer back to Chapter two for more information. Once we have gone through the information presented, let’s click Install Bundle one more time, and the process will begin in earnest.
If we reload this screen, we can see this progressing. However, there really is no need to stay here and keep watching this. The install usually takes just a few minutes, and you can safely walk away and come back when it’s done. With this Software, there is nothing that changes for your users until you enable it anyway. Now that this is done, we can enable and configure it.
To configure this bundle we need to go to Setup, then Customization, and Click StickyNotes Setup. Here at the top we have our user preferences. These are unique to our user account, and every user has these. We’ll come back to them in a future video, but if you want more information, you can also check out SuiteAnswer ID: 61898. That article has information about this entire top section of user preferences.
As the administrator, you can setup defaults for your users down here in the Admin Setup area. For example we can suppress tutorials for all users, by clicking here. This is the same as setting these two options on a user by user basis. You might do this for example if you were going to have your users learn about StickyNotes in another way, such as with a tutorial video, or in a training session. Before you check this though, I encourage you to at least take a look at this tutorial, because it is pretty darn good.
Below this, we have an option to send email notifications. Having this option checked, tells NetSuite, to send an email to someone, whenever they are a recipient of a StickyNote. We’ll cover recipients later in this course. As you can see, this is on by default, however I would encourage you to turn this off. Leaving these notifications can quickly overwhelm your users inboxes, especially if you have busy employees. I’m going to go ahead and leave these on for now, but if I was deploying this into a production system I would turn this off.
Further down, we have an option to either allow, or not allow file attachments. I would encourage you to allow file attachments, because they can be pretty useful.
Over to the right, we can choose to view historical notes, on transformed records. Checking this means, if you create an opportunity, and attach a note to it, that note will be available on the subsequent estimate, and sales order, created from that opportunity. That is to say, notes flow down to subsequent transactions. Of course for this to happen, StickyNotes must be enabled on the downstream transactions. Whether to check this, or not, will all depend on your businesses workflow.
Preview images on records, and preview images on the board, basically set defaults for all users, for the same user based preferences up here. You could set this on a user by user basis, or you could set a default for all users. For this setting, I recommend turning on image previews on the record, and on the board. However, since I want to demo StickyNotes with its default settings, I won’t change this.
The email capture address, has to do with allowing your users to reply to notes, through email. We won’t cover this right now, but will come back to it in a later video.
So those are the most important settings here at the top. However, before this add-on will work at all, we have to enable it, either on a record by record basis, or on all records. If we click this enable on all record types box, then notes will be enabled for everything, and we’re done. Before you think, this is an easy way to set things up, click it, and walk away, I would highly encourage you not to. You see, enabling StickyNotes on all records is simple, but because it is software that must then run on all records, it will make those records load slightly slower. More importantly, there are a lot of records where you may not want this type of unstructured information. For example, you might want all your information in bills of materials to be structured, and therefore not want to have StickyNotes enabled on that transaction. Of course this is going to vary from business to business.
My recommendation, is to enable this on a record by record basis. It takes a little more time, but provides you with a better setup in the long run. To do this let’s click under Enabled Record Types, and type in Sales, then select Sales Order from the list. Like most selection lists in NetSuite, we can also click the double arrows, and get a full list to choose from. We can type Customer here, click Search, and select Customer from the results. Let’s also add the purchase order and vendor records.
In addition to controlling what records Sticky Notes works for, we can also control who can use them. We do that over here, under the Access subtab. I usually recommend enabling this for all roles, and that is what’s selected by default. If you have a specific reason though, you can uncheck this box, and select roles on a one by one basis. If you don’t want to enable this based on specific roles, you can also select users individually. You can select more than one, or deselect, by holding down the ctrl key. For what you select under users to work, you have to first deselect the, enable for all roles, checkbox.
Once we are all done making our changes, we can click save, and StickyNotes is now ready to go.