Installing Bundles

In this lesson we cover the actual install of a bundle. We pickup after having found a bundle to install, and go through the entire installation process. For this example, we use the Last Sales Activity bundle for the install, and cover the header information section, and the Overview, Components and SuiteApp Info subtabs. We also cover accessing help documentation for the bundle.

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Until now we have talked a lot about bundles, in this video we will do an actual bundle install, and cover key information about the process. We’re starting at the Search & Install Bundles screen, you can get here by hovering over Customization, SuiteBundler, and clicking on Search & Install Bundles; then click Search. Let’s install this first bundle, Last Sales Activity, by clicking on the name of the bundle. Last Sales Activity adds a field to certain records showing the last time there was sales activity. You might already have this bundle installed, and based on the number of installs, you can see it is pretty popular. If it’s already installed, you can either follow along in a sandbox, or alternate account, or sit back and just watch the video. Everything we cover here about installs applies to other bundles. We also won’t be covering how to use this bundle after the install, I am just using this bundle to demonstrate the install. Most of the fields here in the Bundle Details were covered in a previous video. Copied from is new which is the account ID the bundle was copied from. It’s not really that important for public bundles, but if you are installing a bundle created for you specifically, or one you created, you will want to make sure this field has the account ID you expect. The managed field is the same as what we saw before, but even though it looks like we can click on it we really can’t. Or at least the value does not change when you click it. We also have this documentation field. If the developer filled this out you can use it to get to the bundles documentation. Even if the developer filled the information in though, the link sometimes does not work. If I open this in a new tab, you can see, I am prompted for my NetSuite login. This is because the URL, this part here in the address bar, has changed from to Usually just logging in here resolves this problem, as it did this time. Below we see the Overview, Components, and SuiteApp Info subtabs. Overview provides more details about the bundle, in the form of an abstract and a description, if the developer chooses to provide this information. This bundle does not have one but many do. Components is a list of components that will be installed. I recommend reviewing the components to make sure there are no conflicts and to make sure you know what’s going into your NetSuite account. Conflicts are also called out in the install screen as well, and we’ll see that in just a moment. From here you can also export a full list of components if you want that for any reason. The SuiteApp Info tab provides information and links for bundles that are also part of a SuiteApp. If information is provided in this tab it usually varies quite a bit from bundle to bundle. For this bundle, we can see the tab is blank since this bundle is not part of a SuiteApp. Clicking the install button at the top or bottom of the screen starts the install. We get a popup here alerting us that this is a managed bundle; click OK to continue. If this bundle had had a separate terms of service agreement it also would likely have popped up, and would have required that you agree to it. In the Preview Bundle Install page here, we see mostly the same information we saw on the Components subtab earlier. There are some conflicts here, but we will address conflicts in a later video. For right now, we’ll use the default actions for the conflicts. Once you have reviewed this information you can click on Install Bundle at the top of the screen. We now get one more popup asking us if we are sure we want to install this bundle, and if we click OK the install begins. During the install, we are dropped back at the Installed Bundles screen, and we can see the status of the Install. We can click on Refresh or use our browser refresh button to see an updated status of the install, but this screen does not refresh automatically. When the install completes successfully we will see a green check box in the status field. This install actually took a few minutes for me, but through the magic of video editing you saw it happen very quickly. This is normal and installs can sometimes take a half hour or more depending on the complexity of the bundle. If you would rather not sit here at this screen, you can always open another section of NetSuite in another tab, or you could leave this screen and come back to it periodically. To get back to this tab, if you left it, you can hover over Customization, SuiteBundler, Search & Install Bundles and click on list. Installing a bundle is only part of setting it up. There is still configuration that needs to happen with most bundles. In the next video we will take a look at that configuration process.
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