Sticky Notes Board

8 minutes Easy

In this lesson we take a look at the StickyNotes board, which aggregates all of your notes into a single location. We quickly go through the tutorial, and take a look at the different areas of the board layout. We walk through the search and filter functions of the board, and the ways in which we can view the notes. We review exporting notes, and sorting them based on several different criteria. Finally we talk about drilling down on note information, what information lives where, and a few other topics.

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Advanced Sticky Notes Usage

7 minutes Easy

In this lesson we cover some more advanced features of StickyNotes. We take a look at field level notes in the header and subtab sections of a record. We go over attaching files and images to notes, and how to view those attachments. We cover note preferences such as changing fonts and color settings, and some hidden preferences. Finally we take a look at how note emails look.

To access this content, you must purchase Full Access Subscription with 7 Day Trial.

Using Sticky Notes

10 minutes Easy

In this video we take a thorough look at using sticky notes. We go through the tutorial that comes with the bundle, cover creating different priority notes, and sending notes to specific individuals. We look at public and private notes, marking notes as done, and cover deleting and archiving them. We cover note replies, filtering notes and showing or hiding them. Finally we cover a few more gotchas about how notes work.

Installing and Configuring

8 minutes Easy

In this lesson we install and configure the Sticky Notes bundle. We check to make sure that our system is setup correctly to allow StickyNotes to run. Then we review the install and components. We review settings to control how the bundle works, and its default settings. Finally we cover enabling sticky notes either on all records or on a one-by-one record type basis, and why you would choose each option.

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Architecture Overview

5 minutes Easy

In this lesson we take a high level overview of the architecture of the NetSuite system. We cover topics such as how it is hosted, where it is hosted, and the technology behind the hosting. We talk about the advantages of having a hosted system, and why you probably want this. We talk about security and redundancy of the system and why it is usually more secure and redundant than most other systems for all but the largest of businesses. Finally we talk about software you should have to use NetSuite efficiently and effectively, and optional software you might want.

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Brief History of NetSuite

6 minutes Easy

In this video we talk about the history of NetSuite, so that we can better understand where it is going in the future. We start at the beginning, and talk about the history as Net Ledger, and we go all the way to the present day and NetSuite’s future with Oracle. We cover key people, and developments at the company. We talk about acquisitions and growth, as well as expansion through product offerings. Finally we talk about NetSuite’s size and physical footprint.

Additional Resources

6 minutes Easy

In this video we provide some additional resources to continue your journey learning NetSuite. We review what was covered in the basics course. We look at resources such as Reddit, Slack, User Groups, and other training. Finally we talk about sandbox accounts and why you should have one.

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Employees and Users

15 minutes Easy

In this video we take a look at Employees, Users, Permissions and Roles. We cover how each of these components interact with the others. We go over creating new employees and users, and some best practices when creating them. We talk about expense and purchasing limits, enabling commissions on the employee record, and storing sensitive data in the employee record. We cover turning employees into users, and notifying those employees of the change in a way that will help them get started working immediately. We talk about customer and vendor login accounts. We talk about roles and billing, and how the two interact. Finally we talk about how roles and permissions work, and where to get some more help with them if you need it.

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Customization Manager

8 minutes Easy

In this video we take a look at the customization manager which is one of the best places to start customizing NetSuite. We cover lists, records, and record types. We walk through adding custom fields to records., and how to set properties for those fields. We go over customizing forms and use the cash sale transaction form as an example. Finally we talk about scripting and workflow options, and customizing Centers and Tabs.

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CSV Imports

10 minutes Easy

In this video we cover how to get data into NetSuite using CSV Imports. We go through the entire import process from start to finish, and look at a few common problems along the way. We start by taking a look at the file we will be using, then we start the import process. We talk about adding or updating data, and file field mapping. We cover the process of saving imports to use again. Finally, we view a problem with an import and how to resolve it, and talk about doing a full CSV export.

To access this content, you must purchase Full Access Subscription with 7 Day Trial.