Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement

10 minutes Easy

In this video we cover what are usually considered the three most important financial statements or reports; the Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Cash Flow Statement. We cover the summary and detailed versions of the reports, cover how the reports roll up and allow you to see meaningful summaries yet still be able to drill down into the data when needed. We cover filtering reports at runtime to get a better view into the business, and, of course, we cover what each of these reports is used for, in case you’re not an accountant.

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Scheduled Reports and Searches

8 minutes Easy

In this lesson we cover automating reports and saved searches, and having their results sent to users automatically. We cover sending new search results when the results of a saved search change, and sending a saved search on a scheduled basis. We cover recurring scheduling options, and how to set them up. We look at setting specific recipients to receive the notifications, and having the recipients selected from the search results. We cover allowing users to subscribe to specific searches. We cover using updated fields to trigger the search results to be sent out, and we cover how to customize the message that is sent along with automatic search results and the format of those results. We cover scheduling reports and their recurrence, customizing the report message, and changing those schedules at a later time if necessary.

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Saved Searches

10 minutes Easy

In this video we take a look at saved searches, and how they differ from reports. We look at the different types of searches that can be created, and go through the entire process of creating a transaction search for sales orders. We cover using an iterative approach to creating searches and reports, and why this is important. We cover adding fields to search results, and setting the fields the search will sort by. We cover how to use the search that we created as a list view or in a dashboard, or how to set it as the default search for specific users or roles. We cover filtering by criteria at build time, as well as adding filters for run time filtering, and use examples of filtering by type, transaction mainline, and date. We cover creating highlighting and formatting rules to help key data stand out. We cover controlling access to the search through audience, permission and search owner settings, and viewing the audit trail to see if the search has been changed, and the execution log to see when a search has been run. Finally we talk about search translation, inline editing results while running a search, and exporting the results to Excel, CSV, PDF or via email.

To access this content, you must purchase Full Access Subscription with 7 Day Trial.

Financial Reports

5 minutes Easy

In this lesson we cover creating financial reports, or statements. We create a standard balance sheet, and cover changing the layout of the report, within the constraints provided, to make sure the data is presented in a meaningful way. We cover how summary rows look and whether they show as expanded or not, and the actual colors, fonts and other display characteristics of the report. We also take a look at some of the column editing differences between financial and non-financial reports, and look at the alternate period range that is used to do period over period, think month, quarter and year, comparisons. Finally we cover some extra options that are available when building and when running the financial report.

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Non-Financial Reports

9 minutes Easy

In this lesson we cover building a non-financial report from scratch. We create an Item / Sales Order report, and talk about the different report formats that can be used such as summary, detail and matrix. We cover searching for finding and displaying fields as either columns or rows. We cover filtering the report based on specific criteria, and how to use and iterative build process and run the report intermittently while building it. We cover adding sorting criteria so that the report data is listed in a way that makes sense. We cover setting a default expansion level for a report, and controlling access to the report through the audience and access subtabs. We cover changing the display at runtime, using filters, date selections, and other display options. Finally, we cover exporting the report, creating a snapshot of the report, emailing or printing the report and scheduling the report to run at a later time.

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Reports, Financial Reports and Saved Searches

4 minutes Easy

In this chapter and video we begin to take a look at how to get meaningful data back out of the system using reports, and saved searches. We cover the difference between financial and non-financial reports, and saved searches, as well as when you would want to use each of these. We also cover some differences when creating each of these.

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7 minutes Easy

In this lesson we cover how NetSuite can be setup to handle your businesses internal and external support needs, including through the use of support tickets and tracking, and the use of a full knowledge base with support topics, categories and solutions. We cover creating support cases, assigning them to companies and contacts, setting items and/or lot numbers, selecting case types, and setting other case data. We cover communicating with the customer directly through NetSuite, using canned solutions or custom solutions, and cover escalating a case should that be required. We talk about case SLA’s and tracking time against a case. Finally, we cover creating new topics and solutions in our knowledge base as well, and publishing those solutions, as well as gate check methods that prevent content from being published before it is reviewed.

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Marketing Campaigns

7 minutes Easy

In this lesson we cover marketing plans by creating a simple one from start to finish. We cover setting the campaign category, campaign manager, start and end dates, base and total campaign cost as well as expected revenue. We cover marketing to specific verticals and audiences to segment marketing campaigns from one another. We also cover limiting the scope of a campaign to specific items, or segmenting it based on categories. We talk about the use of promo and discount codes to track how well an offline campaign is working and cover how promo codes can be limited, as well as cover the use of discount items. Finally we talk about breaking down campaigns based on individual marketing efforts, which is another way to segment the data and get a better view of what is going on in the system, at least in respect to marketing campaigns.

To access this content, you must purchase Full Access Subscription with 7 Day Trial.

Partners, Vendors and Competitors

4 minutes Easy

In this lesson we look at Partners, Vendors and Competitors, including when you would use each of these, and how to set them up. We talk about the partner and vendor centers, and allowing them to log into NetSuite, and talk about partner commissions and vendor terms, as well as using vendors across subsidiaries. We wrap up by covering the competitor record, and how you can use it to track competitors’ strengths, weaknesses and products, your strategy against them, and then how you can use all of this to help increase sales.

To access this content, you must purchase Full Access Subscription with 7 Day Trial.


6 minutes Easy

In this video we cover what contacts are, when you use them and how you use them. We cover creating a contact and populating it with data such as an email and phone number. We cover how contacts relate to other records in the system, and how to attach them to those other records either through the contact form, or from the related record. Finally, we talk about attaching activities and images to contacts, as well as setting contact categories.

To access this content, you must purchase Full Access Subscription with 7 Day Trial.