Leads, Prospects and Customers

8 minutes Easy

In this lesson we cover leads, prospects and customer. We cover what each of these are, and when they should be used. We cover entering data for the record such as the name, sales rep, partner, category and subsidiary. We take a record through all three stages, lead, prospect then customer, and talk about the different stages and how to add, delete, edit or otherwise modify the stages and substages. We cover how the stages are used, and to manually and automatically go through the stages, and how the stages feed into prediction reports. Finally, we cover attaching activity records such as phone calls and events, adding shipping and billing information, territory assignment, and setting up financial payment terms.

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Items and Currencies

7 minutes Easy

In this lesson we cover Items and Currencies. We look at active and inactive items, item naming and descriptions, pricing, price levels, currency based pricing, quantity discounts, reorder points and other meta data. We cover where items control how they are recorded in the General Journal, and to what Accounts, as well as tax schedule information at a high level. We talk about item types, including inventory, non-inventory, groups, kits, service charges, lot and serialized options. We cover how to enter a new item using the entry form or through the use of a CSV import. Finally we briefly talk about currencies in the system, including their ISO codes and automatic foreign exchange (fx) rate updates

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The Chart of Accounts

8 minutes Easy

In this chapter we start looking at relationship, entity and list records, and in this lesson we cover the Chart of Accounts or COA. We talk about the out of the box accounts, and cover adding new ones. We cover using a numbered or numberless COA using department, class, location, subsidiary, and custom segments to segment data. We talk about account types and currencies, as well as inactivating and reactivating accounts.

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11 minutes Easy

In this video we cover transactions that are unique to an accounting department. We start by covering Journal Entries, including reversing JEs and Intercompany JEs incase you are using a OneWorld account. We then cover budgets, including creating multiple budgets, how to create them manually using the budget worksheet, how to import them with the import wizard, and where to find the budget template. Next, we go over allocation schedules, including when you would use them, creating them, and setting the source, destination and distributions for the allocations. We then move on to cover currency revaluation which is applicable if you use multiple currencies, and memorized transactions which help you automate some manual transaction processes. We round out the lesson with a look at the audit trail, how to access it, and why you might use it.

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5 minutes Easy

In this lesson we take a look at manufacturing in NetSuite, sometimes referred to as light manufacturing. We use the concept of a bicycle to understand how manufacturing is handled, and cover components, assemblies, and finished goods. We review work order creation, release, and close procedures. We cover work order job customization as well as firming orders for supply planning. We round out the discussion by covering mass creation and building of work orders, and reviewing assemblies and components.

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7 minutes Easy

In this video we take a look at inventory transactions including transfers and adjustments. We cover reviewing the Current Inventory Status report, performing bulk and one-off adjustments to inventory, and performing an inventory count using the inventory count cycle. We also review inventory transfers, perform an inventory transfer, and talk about the option of using transfer orders if you desire a more formal procedure.

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8 minutes Easy

In this video we cover transactions that are related to your employees. These transactions include: Time Tracking, Expense Reports and Commissions. We cover entering each of these types of transactions, and how approvals work for them. We also briefly talk about adding file attachments to Expense Reports, and setting up commission plans and schedules.

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Customer Transactions

7 minutes Easy

In this lesson we cover the second half of the order to cash process in which we bill the customer and receive payment from them. We start the discussion with accepting customer deposits, incremental billing, and authorizing returns. Then we cover creating invoices one at a time or in a batch, as well as printing or emailing them to customers. Finally, we cover accepting payments including credit card payments, issuing credit memos, generating customer statements, and generating customer price lists.

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7 minutes Easy

In this video we take a look at the first half of the order to cash cycle, which starts with sales. We start with the Opportunity, then generate a Quote from it, and Finally create a Sales Order from that, including printing and email transactions. We talk about the Sales Funnel or Pipeline, and how it is implement in the system, and talk about approval processes. We round out the lesson by covering the Pick, Pack and Ship Process, and Cash Sales.

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8 minutes Easy

In this lesson we take a look at the second half of the procure to pay cycle which covers payables. We look at how to create a single bill from a single purchase order, and how to use the bill purchase orders screen to create multiple bills at the same time. We cover how to manually enter a bill, and how we can use memorized transactions to automate the bill creation process for recurring transactions. We cover bill approval using the default workflow. Then we round out the video by looking at actually paying the bills, and marking them as paid inside NetSuite.

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