In this video we look at any specific prerequisite knowledge you should have going into this course, however there is not a lot that is needed, mostly basic computer and internet use skills. We also talk about how the instructors account is setup, and address some places where you may see differences between the training and how your NetSuite instance works. Finally we talk about course updates now and in the future.
Before we get started, I want to cover some prerequisite knowledge that you should have, going into this course. I also want to talk a little about how my account is setup. Since it is likely somewhat different than yours.
To begin with I am assuming that you already know how to use a computer. You don’t need to be an expert, but you should know how to open a web browser, as well as other basic office software. You should be comfortable using the internet in general. Navigating to web sites. And performing basic searches in a search engine such as Google, Yahoo, or Bing. You should also be comfortable navigating your file system. With at least the ability to access your documents and downloads. Having basic business knowledge is also helpful, but not required. Of course, the more you know the easier it will be to pickup on the topics covered.
I will be accessing NetSuite using Google’s Chrome browser, however you are welcome to use whatever browser you want. There are occasionally features that work only in one browser or another. Or that work better in one browser than another. I will try to call these out when they come up, however if you find a feature doesn’t work how you expect, you can always try using a different browser. Oracle NetSuite does its best to make all features cross platform compatible, and they do a really good job of this. But since they don’t own the companies who make the browsers, there is no absolute way for them to guarantee that every feature will work the same across all platforms.
This course starts with the assumption that you don’t know how to use NetSuite, and may not even be familiar with what the system is. I suspect this is actually not correct for most of you. And you can always jump ahead in the course if you want or need to. If you have the time though, I encourage you to watch the first videos. They will provide you with background on the product, what it can do, and other information you may not already know. Even if you have been using the system for a while, you are likely to pickup on at least one or two additional useful pieces of information. This information may be just what you’ve been looking for.
For most of this course, I will be using an administrator account while recording the videos. This is just because it makes it easier to demonstrate the concepts. Because this is a test system, there is no real worry about data damage or loss. In a production system, I doubt that you will have this type of access. Even if you do, this is probably not the account you use on a regular basis, because it shouldn’t be.
We will also be using the classic center for most of this course. We’ll talk more about what this means a little later on. It primarily has to do with how the menus are laid out, and I’ll show you how to change them a little later in the course.
When performing most actions, entering data and doing other tasks, I will be using the standard forms as much as I can. In some instances, your interface may look different than mine. This is usually because of how easily NetSuite can be customized. For these videos, I would encourage you to focus on the content and spirit of the lesson, rather than exactly where to point and click. Even if what you see is different, it will probably be close enough that you can easily figure out where a button or field has been moved.
This course does not include access to NetSuite, and I don’t have the ability to provide you with access to the system. If you are a current customer, you can follow along in your sandbox, production or live account. If you are not a current customer, you can follow along with the videos. I think you will gain a lot of information about how the system works from seeing it in action.
Finally, NetSuite is a cloud system, and it changes often. The cosmetic changes are usually minor and designed to make it more user friendly, and easier to understand. What you see recorded, was accurate as of when it was recorded, however if something is different, you can usually figure out the differences by clicking around. Most changes don’t move things very far. I will also do my best to keep the course up to date, especially for any non-cosmetic, or functional, changes.
With these prerequisites out of the way, let’s get started.