System Administration and HR Reports

In this video we cover the Employee Change History and a couple of Integration and Automation reports, which are specific to human resources and systems administration. We cover what the reports are used for, and when you would likely use them.

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There really aren’t that many reports for administration right out of the box. Most of the time for HR and System Administration you will use Saved Searches to get to the data you need. However, there are a few, and we will take a look at those here. The first report we will look at is the Employee Change History. For it to work we have to restrict our view to a single subsidiary so we’ll do that first. If we hover over home and click Set Preferences, then come over here to our Restrict View subtab, we can make this change. Let’s set this to Honeycomb Manufacturing, and click save. Now we’re back at our home screen. Let’s hover over Reports, then Employees and HR, and open the Employee Change History report in a new tab; which I’m doing by control clicking. We’re also going to look at a couple of other reports in this video, so I’ll open those as well. Let’s scroll down to Integration, and open both of these in a new tab as well. Let’s come over and take a look at the Employee Change History. We don’t have any data for this due to the date ranges we have. If we select different date ranges, we will have some data. I’ll go ahead and set this all the way back to 2000. I also need to click Refresh, to refresh the report. What we are looking at, is all the changes that have been made to employee records for a given time period. Down here we can see that Bob Newguy had some changes made to his account in February. This is actually when the account was created. At the top we see the old values. In this case nothing, since there was not an account. Below this we see the new values. We can see this a little better when looking at Amy Nguyen or Alex Wolfe. In both cases the email field was changed. This report has value to show at a glance who has had changes made. However, it’s more likely that you will look at those changes themselves in the employee record directly. If we go here to the top and search for Bob, we can open his employee record. Scrolling down, we can select the System Information subtab, and from here we can see more detailed information about the changes that have been made. This data includes the user who made the changes, the date, and what the old and new values are. If we come over to the Integration by Job tab there is no data, similar to when we first looked at the employee report. This has to do with me operating in a test account, and having nothing that integrates with it. If you used a tool such as Boomi or Celigo to move data into or out of NetSuite, this would be full of information such as job types, and if they were successful or failed. This information is designed to help alert you to, and diagnose issues with integrations. For the most part, once Integrations with NetSuite are setup they just run. On a side note, integrations are one of the most stable parts of NetSuite. They can be difficult to setup, but once they work they just work. Lastly, we have the Integration by Record Type report. This shows aggregate statistics for integrations. The only reason we actually have anything here, that was not in the last report, is because I was recently working with the file cabinet, and those operations show up here. So, like I said at the start, there really aren’t that many reports that are used for system administration. You are far more likely to use Saved Searches, and most of those will be custom written anyway. Going into creating custom saved searches is material for a different course though.
Lesson tags: Full Access
Back to: NetSuite Usage Basics > Chapter 7 - Popular Out of the Box Reports